
Friday Favorites category
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Friday Favorites

Friday, January 8, 2016

So in case you didn't pick it up from my 2015: Year in Review post, I quit my job at Crate & Barrel. I basically have been burning the candle at both ends between the two jobs and school plus other responsibilities. Honestly, I think that's why I've been getting sick so much. Too much stress. I have plans to go back eventually because I love my C&B discount - which saved me $$$ six hundy $$$ on my sofa (it gets delivered next month! EEK!). So this week's Friday Favorites post is basically an ode to Crate. They just came out with a TON of new products for the new year and I have so many favorites that I wish I could turn this post into a series - one for every room of the house. Most of my favorites are for the kitchen which sucks because I don't need any of this. But maybe you do! Enjoy!

1. French Kitchen Bakers Rack // 2. Behmor Connected 8 Cup Coffee Maker // 3. Lure Patina Bronze Chandelier // 4. Kitchen Conversion Cutting Board // 5. Coffee and Tea Canister // 6. Woven David Diskin Print

I dream of a day where I have a kitchen large enough to warrant hanging a $1,400 chandelier. Until then, I'll stare longingly at Crate's website. I'm really feeling the black and white contrast for kitchens. It's very clean. Also, I have an aversion to buying prints and not originals, but isn't that thing gorgeous? And you guys, that coffee maker is "connected", i.e., you can turn it on via an app from the comfort of your warm bed. Like I always say, I'm into it if it means I don't have to put pants on. Check out the rest of their new products and try not to fill your cart with all of these goodies. Someone please let me decorate your house with your money! Happy Friday lovelies!

Friday Favorites

Friday, December 18, 2015

Son of a nutcracker, there are only 6 days until Christmas. And I haven't even watched The Grinch yet. I am really slacking on Christmas this year. I'm short on like 3 gifts and I haven't gotten any stocking stuffers yet. Which are basically the best part of Christmas. I think stocking stuffers get a bad rep. I guess there isn't a lot of mystery surrounding them like the giant wrapped presents under a tree but they can be just as expensive and - 9 times out of 10 - more useful. Today's Friday Favorites consist of my favorite stocking stuffers. If you're having a hard time coming up with any good ideas, I guarantee these babies will do the trick.

I need that t-shirt more than anything. I would wear that thing everywhere. Also, I don't have an iPhone, but both the case and mobile charger are so adorable, I couldn't not post them. Get me any of these items and I will love you forever. But for real though, mom - get me that shirt. 

Happy Friday! We made it! I'm taking a long week weekend and doing some Christmas celebrations with mi madre. I hope you all have a great weekend!

Friday Favorites

Friday, November 6, 2015

I have been told that I'm a picky eater. Which I wholeheartedly disagree with. I mean, I eat more than chicken nuggets and pizza alright! There are two main areas that I have a problem with:

1) meat 
2) white creamy condiments and the like

Let me get into the details here. I am not a vegetarian. I LOVE a good bacon cheeseburger. I just have an extremely difficult time preparing meat. So, as long as it's cooked for me and as long as the texture of the meat doesn't make me want to gag, I'll eat it. 

The condiments thing is where it really starts to get complicated. Ranch, sour cream, mayonnaise, yogurt (sometimes there is an exception) are totally off limits and I am seriously sick just thinking about it. Basically anything thick and creamy makes me want to vom (go ahead all of you perverts, laugh - I've heard it before). The smell of cold ketchup that has been sitting out (think county fairs, baseball games, etc.) is also disgusting. There are caveats here and there but this is pretty much it. 

Alright, so that's not that picky...right?  Anyways. I said alllllllll of that to say this: I have some awesome recipes for anyone who has found themselves in a similar boat. Specifically the meat one. Ever heard of Meatless Monday? I do it about 6 days a week. It's caused me to get a bit more creative when it comes to protein intake. So for this week's Friday Favorites, I'm sharing recipes that are typically on my weekly roster.

Arbor-what? Yeah. I had never heard of it either. Apparently it's the rice used to make risotto. Who knew? I seriously make this like once a week. This is a VERY simple recipe. In fact, I don't even use all of the ingredients it calls for because I don't like shallots and I don't waste my wine by cooking with it. 

Tomato & Mozzarella Salad
This is by far one of my fav salads. I just ate it for dinner every night last week. Trader Joe's make this salad prepackaged but it comes mixed with black olives and green onions (gag). So I started making it on my own. 

Your favorite greens (I use spring mix with spinach or kale)
Balsamic Vinaigrette
Grape, cherry, or heirloom tomatoes
Mozzarella (I just buy the sticks and open a package when I need it)
Raw Pignolias (pine nuts) 

I love Mexican food SO much. Seriously, give me a burrito and a margarita and I will instantly perk up. Or just a margarita. Pitcher. I digress. So when I'm craving Mexican and don't have someone around to prepare the meat for me, I make this recipe. I don't usually make it with the corn because I don't need any extra starches in my diet but it's delicious either way. 

Coconut & Macadmia Crusted Mahi Mahi
Alright, so you thought you could go meatless but you can't. Try this mahi mahi recipe. Fish is like the only "meat" (I'm staying out of the "fish is a meat" argument) I can cook that doesn't make me want to lose my lunch. This recipe calls for quite a few ingredients that I don't typically have sitting around but I promise you it's totally worth it to go pick them up. This recipe is in Tone it Up's 8 Week Bikini Program. Yeah, remember when I did that? Ugh. The memory is painful. Anyways, make this when it's 20 degrees outside and you are trying to remember why you thought you were ready for summer to be over. It'll take you back to a better place.

1 cup of roasted & crushed macadamia nuts
2 tbs of coconut flour 
2 Tbs of coconut shavings, 
2 Tbs of coconut oil - melted
2 Tbs of olive oil
4 (6 oz) of fresh mahi mahi fillets
2 tbs coconut milk
salt & pepper
1 Tbs parsley

1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
2. In a medium bowl, stir together the crushed macadamia nuts, parsley, coconut flour, shavings and coconut oil. 
3. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil and brush it with olive oil. Place the fish on top and season it with salt & pepper on both sides. 
4. Bake it for about 5 minutes. Take it out of the oven and brush it with coconut milk, then dip each fillet into the nut & flour mixture, pressing it down to ensure it adheres. 
5. Return fish to the oven and bake 5-10 minutes or until golden brown.

Happy Friday everyone! You should definitely try one of these recipes this weekend and let me know how you liked it!

Friday Favorites

Friday, October 30, 2015

My bad for not announcing this sooner but Kate Spade is having a Surprise Sale right now. If you know what's good for you, you'll head over there NOW and spend some cash to save some cash (does that even make sense? YES!) For this week's Friday Favorites, I've rounded up my favorite Kate Spade goodies on sale now. Better hurry, this sale ends at midnight! Happy treating!

1. Call to Action #manipedi Terry  2. Beautiful Type Ampersand Spiral Notebook 3. Wellesley Neda Light Pink Wallet 4. Kennedy Park Honey Baby Bag 5. Newburry Lane Cassie Black Bag 6. Mikas Pond Lacey Hot Pink Wallet

Consider this my Christmas Wish List (I'll regift the baby bag unless...). What are you waiting for? #treatyoself  Happy Friday everyone! I can't wait to see all of your Halloween festivities! Check back next week for a recap of ours!

Happy Halloween!

Friday Favorites

Friday, October 23, 2015

I feel like every female 18-30 dresses like a sloo for Halloween. Not judging. Totally been there, done that. But it gets so old and so boring. So for this week's Friday Favorites, I'm providing you with some of my favorite relevant and creative costume choices.

The "Hillary texts" memes were probably the greatest thing to happen to the internet. And although I fully plan on being her next year, I have no problem sharing with you the greatness of this DIY costume. I love Hillary. She is everything.

What you'll need:
1) Blazer
2) Hideous brooch (similar in your mother's jewelry box)
3) Hideous cheap necklace (similar in your little sister's jewelry box)
5) Cellphone (similar in your hand)
6) A severe look of disdain. (Already got it!)

You guys, it's handled. And hey Shonda, just so we're all clear, the front lawn of the White House does not look like that. I've also not once seen Barack hanging out on his balcony. Whatever. This costume makes me not want to even go out for Halloween. I'd just stay home with my bad ass self. And probably spill red wine all over my white clothing because I'm just barely an adult.

What you'll need:
1) Heaping bowl of popcorn
2) Crate & Barrel Camille wine glass
5) A super long, emotional, run-on sentence that is memorized which you should recite loudly and possibly even with tears.

Amy Schumer is my spirit animal. I am so effing pissed I don't know her in real life because we would be best friends. I just really feel like it's the right thing - dress up as her character on Trainwreck. If you have not seen this movie yet, put your kid or your job on hold and do it now.

What you'll need:
3) Brown paper bag 
5) A void where your moral compass is supposed to be. 

I hope you all are being creative this year. When all else fails, just drink some alcohol in your pajamas while binging on candy. It's basically what I do every day! Let me know what you're dressing up as!

Friday Favorites

Friday, October 16, 2015

I don't know about where you live, but it's starting to get chilly here. When I say chilly, I mean we're in the 60's and that actually means it's freezing. But there is absolutely nothing better than being all bundled up in your favorite sweats and eating hot soup for dinner. Actually, the only thing better than that is coming home to the smell of that hot soup simmering in your crock pot all day. Yummmmm. So for this week's Friday Favorites, I've linked to a couple of my favorite soups below.

BONUS: I've included a super secret recipe to a copycat of Panera Bread's chicken and wild rice soup. Put on some stretchy pants and let's do this.

Chicken Tortilla Soup
This one is so easy, it's stupid. If you can just get past the fact that you're using a half brick of Velveeta cheese, I promise you'll enjoy this. I will be the first to admit that using a "cheese product" in anything is probably immoral. But selling your soul to the devil on this one is totally worth it, I promise. This is one of those "I have absolutely no time to make dinner, what am I going to feed my kids" kind of meals (as if I know what that's like). It's seriously so fast.

Slow Cooker Beef Stew
Pair this with a loaf of French bread and you'll be horizontal for hours trying to recover. Seriously, just unbutton your pants before you sit down at the table. Save yourself some time. Or just don't wear pants at all. This is another stupidly simple recipe. Are you noticing a theme here? If you're wondering whether or not I'm lazy, just remember that my nickname is "sloth." Alright, back to the soup. This is the perfect fall soup. Ya got your meat. Ya got your potatoes. If you've got a lumberjack boyfriend type, he'll be impressed with this. Guaranteed.

Creamy Chicken & Wild Rice Soup
The grand finale. You guys. This soup is everything. It's a little time intensive, but if you have a servant kid that you can trust with a knife, you can probably cut the prep time in half. There's a lot of slicing and dicing in this one. If you've ever had this soup at Panera Bread, you can appreciate this recipe. So creamy. So delicious. I credit my sister's father-in-law with this recipe. I'm pretty sure that's where this came from. If not, just take the credit Phil.**** Without further ado:

4 cups chicken broth
2 cups water
2 cooked, boneless chicken breasts (shredded)
1 (4.5 ounce) package Uncle Ben's chicken and wild rice w/seasoning packet
1/2 tsp. salt
12 tsp. ground black pepper
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 stick unsalted butter
2 cups skim milk
1/2 cup chopped mushroom (I usually use more - love mushrooms)
1/2 cup chopped carrot (too much carrot will sweeten the soup - don't do that!)
1/2 cup chopped onion
1/2 cup chopped celery
2 cloves chopped garlic
*dry, white wine

1. In a large pot over medium heat, combine broth, water and cooked chicken. Bring just to boiling, then stir in rice, reserving seasoning packet. Cover and remove from heat.
2. Saute mushroom, carrot, onion, celery, and garlic in pan (with olive oil) until soft.
3. In a small bowl, combine salt, pepper, and flour. In a medium saucepan over medium heat, melt butter. Stir in contents of seasoning packet until mixture is bubbly. Reduce heat to low, then stir in flour mixture by tablespoons, to form a roux. Whisk in milk, a little at a time, until full incorporated and smooth. Cook until thickened, about 5 minutes.
4. Stir cream mixture into broth and rice. Add vegetables to pot. Cook over medium heat until heated through, about 10-15 minutes.
5. *Finish with a dry, white wine. (Just enough to flavor the soup).
6. Enjoy! I always serve with a sourdough baguette! Perfect for dipping into the soup.

****UPDATE: Sister has informed me that this is actually her recipe. Apologies, I didn't know you were capable of making something this delicious. I mean that in the best possible way.

Please share your soup recipes with me! I always love adding new ones to my repertoire!

Friday Favorites

Friday, October 9, 2015

This week's Friday Favorites are my favorite fall everythings! Ten bucks says you'll catch yourself saying "Amok! Amok! Amok!" before the day is over!

Watching the entire Harry Potter series over and over and over and over and over...

Pumpkin flavored hard cider, pumpkin flavored coffee, pumpkin flavored coffee creamer, pumpkin flavored biscotti, pumpkin flavored beer...

Stepping on crunchy looking leaves.

Finally being able to actually spend time doing my hair because the humidity is gone.

Wearing leggings as pants in public (wait, I do this all the time).

Cider mills, hay rides and haunted houses. Also, doughnuts and cider.

Alternating between Uggs (don't hate), wellies, and riding boots depending on the occasion and weather conditions.

Fuzzy socks.

The smell of burning leaves.

Pumpkin flavored waffles, pumpkin flavored Oreos, pumpkin flavored cream cheese, pumpkin flavored oatmeal, pumpkin flavored ice cream...

Buying shaving cream less frequently.

Free candy!

Watching Hocus Pocus and quoting every. single. line.

Taking an extra 10 minutes to get ready because I can't decide which of my 50,000 scarves go with my outfit the best.

Hot tea, cozy sweaters, and good books.

Halloween Pandora station.

You guys, just go to Trader Joe's. They have pumpkin flavored everythings.

What are your fall favorites? Let me know in the comment section below! This Hocus Pocus drinking game posted by Little Baby Garvin might just be a top priority this month! Enjoy your long weekend - this is what Pip and I plan on doing. Happy fall everybody!

Friday Favorites

Friday, September 25, 2015

A little late in the day for these Friday Favorites but I hope you'll enjoy them all the same! Now that the colder weather is blowing through, I thought it would be a great idea to round up some of my favorite boots this season. I'm a firm believer in the idea that you can never have too many pairs of shoes. So even if you think you're squared away for this season, check these out - because they are adorable.

Alright, I'm probably dreaming with those Tory Burch boots but c'mon (*drools*). I posted two pairs of riding boots for individuals like me who have a hard time wearing black with brown. I know, I know. It's supposed to be okay. And I've been doing just that for the past two years (I own a pair of brown Michael Kors riding boots). But like I said, you can never have too many pairs of shoes. Looks like I'll be needing a black pair to complete my collection. 

I've been in need of a pair of Hunter boots for a while and I think this is finally my year! Unless my sister wants to give me hers, I'll definitely be purchasing a pair soon.

What do you guys think of the Sorels and ankle booties? I think they're both adorable and if only I had enough storage space.....

Next week I'll have to do a post on closet space because that is exactly what I'll be needing here pretty soon!!!

Have a great weekend everybody!

Friday Favorites

Friday, September 18, 2015

First, let me apologize for skipping last week's Friday Favorites. We were in the midst of packing up and traveling back to Virginia. I was soaking up every last minute of time spent with family. And also the sun.

This week's Friday Favorites are probably the ultimate. There's a reason I work at Crate & Barrel part time and it's not because I need the money. I love that store and everything it has to offer. So this week, my favorites are coming right from Crate & Barrel. This is not a sponsored post. I am merely obsessed with everything Crate. Enjoy!

1 alpaca dove grey throw  2 fabian grey pillow  3 lounge II 93" sofa  4 switch coffee table  5 colin tray  6 ambrosia scented candle

Not kidding - that sofa will be mine in a few months and I can't wait to take Sunday naps on that thing! Did you check out the depth - 46"!!! Also, you don't even need to burn that candle, just take the cover off and your space will smell heavenly almost immediately. Totally worth the $30 price tag - I would know. I love the mix of metal and wood in the tray and coffee table. The combination of the cold and warm materials is a theme I have going on in my own living room.

Happy FriYay everyone! I have a weekend full of homework and exams so I hope yours is more exciting than mine!

Friday Favorites

Friday, September 4, 2015

I know I just ranted for an entire blog post about how much I'm not ready for summer to be over, but there's something about being all bundled up that makes me feel comforted and safe. I've rounded up a few of my fall favorites here. You'll thank me, your wallet will not.

Buying casual clothes really isn't practical for me since I'm either at work or sleeping. But how can you not love that striped sweatshirt? It's so cute and I would totally pair it with my boyfriend jeans for a casual autumn outing. Perhaps a weekend wine tasting at Breaux vineyards? That's honestly my favorite place to be. I'm also in the market for a new winter coat and I'm thinking this one from ASOS is my golden ticket to getting through this upcoming (rumored) brutal winter in style. And I cannot get enough of these blanket scarves taking over the internet. I seriously need one in every. single. color. I'm getting more excited for fall already! 

What's on your fall style wish list? Follow me on Pinterest for more ways to go bankrupt! Have a great weekend everyone!
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