
Lounge Love

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

If you've been following me for even a month, you probably know by now that I have a serious obsession with all things Crate & Barrel. I fell in love with one of their sofas a year and a half ago and knew back then that I had to have it. After working at Crate for six months to be able to afford it, I was finally able to purchase the Lounge II back in November. And then I had to wait three long months for this gorgeous lady to be made and delivered to me. You guys. This is the most expensive thing I've ever purchased but it was 100% worth every penny. I was totally composed literally jumping up and down when they were walking it through my door. 

In the market for a new sofa? I can definitely recommend the Lounge II. Most of my friends fall into the single and desperately alone category or the married with a litter of children category. I'm telling you, this will work for either. 

Forty. Eight. Inches. Deep. In case you can't do the math, that's four feet. AKA, 75% of my body. This is like a Yao Ming sized sofa

I live in a studio apartment so it was important to me that I purchase a sofa that can pull double-duty as a guest bed. I think that was accomplished. It was also important to me that I have clean lines. I have an aversion to slip-covered sofas for this very reason. This sofa struck the perfect balance between being able to sink into it without looking too casual. 

I had a hard time letting go of the woven fabric that came stock. In the end, I knew that because my cat is an asshole the fabric would inevitably pull and snag. I'm also a 12 year old living in a 26 year old's body so the high-performance fabric (think velvet, not microfiber) was just a more realistic option for me. That being said, I haven't yet felt confident enough to sip red wine on this thing without first laying down a tarp towel. 

So far, no complaints other than the fact that I have a job and can't lounge on this thing 24/7.

If you have any questions that I didn't answer here, let me know. Happy sofa hunting!


  1. Hi! Couch looks beautiful! What color/fabric is that?

    1. Hi Jane! I purchased the high performance fabric in Oyster. I loved the look of the woven fabric but it just wasn't practical for my lifestyle. I was too worried that it would snag with frequent use. Let me know if you have any other questions!


  2. Hi! I Love love this sofa! I've been looking for a stylish sleeper for a long time and came across this. I read somewhere that it was a sleeper (thats how I came across it) but on CB website it isn't, my hubby went to store to test it out and confirmed it wasn't. I contacted CB live support and they said it isn't a sleeper. Is it custom?? Help,,,, I love this. Thanks so much!!!! Nicole

    1. Hi Nicole! Thanks for reading my blog post! I cannot sing the Lounge's praises enough. It's not a sleeper but if you take the back cushions off, it's wider than a twin sized bed, I just throw a sheet on top of the seat cushions for protection. That being said, if you expect to have a lot of overnight guests, I wouldn't recommend using this as an option. I would be too worried about the cushions losing their shape faster than they should.

      Crate's Ellyson sleeper sofa has a similar look to the Lounge sofa - casual while keeping the clean lines. If you're set on having a true sleeper, I'd go with the Ellyson! Hope that helps. Let me know if you have any other questions!

  3. thank you!bummer...I'm so in love with this sofa; but yes..I need a sleeper for my inlaws visits :) many thanks, Nicole

  4. Hi! Love this couch too... looking to buy it for my new home. I know this is a older post so wondering how the couch is holding up now after a year or so ? Thanks !

    1. Hi Brittany! It looks exactly the same as it does in the picture above. I do my best to remember to flip the cushions every week or so, that way they don't lose their shape. My biggest concern when reading the reviews on Crate's website was that the feathers poke out and litter the floor. While I have felt one or two come through the fabric, it's definitely nothing like what I was envisioning while reading those dramatic reviews. This is still one of my favorite purchases and over a year later, I still give it five stars. Highly recommend! Hope this helps!

  5. Hi Melissa,
    I love this sofa, but the comments on the Crate and Barrel website really worry me. Do you still love it?

    1. Hi there! I still love it and it has held up beautifully. I was also worried about the comments when I was considering this purchase but I haven't seen one feather come out of my sofa. I'm assuming that those who have issues probably get a lot of use out of the sofa and don't properly maintain it (rotate the cushions). Still my favorite purchase!

    2. Hi Melissa,

      Thanks a lot for your answer. Happy 2018!!!

  6. Hi there!! Our store doesn’t have the petite version to test. I love the feel of this sofa but I’m worried the regular size may be a little too deep. With the petite version do you think my husband and I could still lay side by side to watch a movie. We also have three little ones. Definitely want room to curl up but don’t want any grandparents getting stuck in the couch. Lol

    1. Hi Leah,

      I think the difference in depth is only a couple of inches so I think you guys could still cuddle up for a movie night! The little ones will LOVE this couch. It will essentially be a comfy bed in the living room for them :) And excellent point about the grandparents. They will definitely need some help getting up. The couch isn't TOO low to the ground but it's definitely deep enough where they will need some help scooching up and out! All in all, this will be your favorite sofa EVER! Hope this helps!

    2. So helpful! I just purchased mine. I can’t wait for it to arrive

  7. I'd echo Melissa! I've had the 93" lounge for 10 years now and still love it!

  8. Hey there! I'm in love with this sofa but worried it will look huge in my small living room. How big is your space? Does it look oversized? Thanks in advance :)


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