
Friday Favorites

Friday, October 23, 2015

I feel like every female 18-30 dresses like a sloo for Halloween. Not judging. Totally been there, done that. But it gets so old and so boring. So for this week's Friday Favorites, I'm providing you with some of my favorite relevant and creative costume choices.

The "Hillary texts" memes were probably the greatest thing to happen to the internet. And although I fully plan on being her next year, I have no problem sharing with you the greatness of this DIY costume. I love Hillary. She is everything.

What you'll need:
1) Blazer
2) Hideous brooch (similar in your mother's jewelry box)
3) Hideous cheap necklace (similar in your little sister's jewelry box)
5) Cellphone (similar in your hand)
6) A severe look of disdain. (Already got it!)

You guys, it's handled. And hey Shonda, just so we're all clear, the front lawn of the White House does not look like that. I've also not once seen Barack hanging out on his balcony. Whatever. This costume makes me not want to even go out for Halloween. I'd just stay home with my bad ass self. And probably spill red wine all over my white clothing because I'm just barely an adult.

What you'll need:
1) Heaping bowl of popcorn
2) Crate & Barrel Camille wine glass
5) A super long, emotional, run-on sentence that is memorized which you should recite loudly and possibly even with tears.

Amy Schumer is my spirit animal. I am so effing pissed I don't know her in real life because we would be best friends. I just really feel like it's the right thing - dress up as her character on Trainwreck. If you have not seen this movie yet, put your kid or your job on hold and do it now.

What you'll need:
3) Brown paper bag 
5) A void where your moral compass is supposed to be. 

I hope you all are being creative this year. When all else fails, just drink some alcohol in your pajamas while binging on candy. It's basically what I do every day! Let me know what you're dressing up as!

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