
Friday Favorites

Friday, October 9, 2015

This week's Friday Favorites are my favorite fall everythings! Ten bucks says you'll catch yourself saying "Amok! Amok! Amok!" before the day is over!

Watching the entire Harry Potter series over and over and over and over and over...

Pumpkin flavored hard cider, pumpkin flavored coffee, pumpkin flavored coffee creamer, pumpkin flavored biscotti, pumpkin flavored beer...

Stepping on crunchy looking leaves.

Finally being able to actually spend time doing my hair because the humidity is gone.

Wearing leggings as pants in public (wait, I do this all the time).

Cider mills, hay rides and haunted houses. Also, doughnuts and cider.

Alternating between Uggs (don't hate), wellies, and riding boots depending on the occasion and weather conditions.

Fuzzy socks.

The smell of burning leaves.

Pumpkin flavored waffles, pumpkin flavored Oreos, pumpkin flavored cream cheese, pumpkin flavored oatmeal, pumpkin flavored ice cream...

Buying shaving cream less frequently.

Free candy!

Watching Hocus Pocus and quoting every. single. line.

Taking an extra 10 minutes to get ready because I can't decide which of my 50,000 scarves go with my outfit the best.

Hot tea, cozy sweaters, and good books.

Halloween Pandora station.

You guys, just go to Trader Joe's. They have pumpkin flavored everythings.

What are your fall favorites? Let me know in the comment section below! This Hocus Pocus drinking game posted by Little Baby Garvin might just be a top priority this month! Enjoy your long weekend - this is what Pip and I plan on doing. Happy fall everybody!

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