
Friday Favorites

Friday, January 8, 2016

So in case you didn't pick it up from my 2015: Year in Review post, I quit my job at Crate & Barrel. I basically have been burning the candle at both ends between the two jobs and school plus other responsibilities. Honestly, I think that's why I've been getting sick so much. Too much stress. I have plans to go back eventually because I love my C&B discount - which saved me $$$ six hundy $$$ on my sofa (it gets delivered next month! EEK!). So this week's Friday Favorites post is basically an ode to Crate. They just came out with a TON of new products for the new year and I have so many favorites that I wish I could turn this post into a series - one for every room of the house. Most of my favorites are for the kitchen which sucks because I don't need any of this. But maybe you do! Enjoy!

1. French Kitchen Bakers Rack // 2. Behmor Connected 8 Cup Coffee Maker // 3. Lure Patina Bronze Chandelier // 4. Kitchen Conversion Cutting Board // 5. Coffee and Tea Canister // 6. Woven David Diskin Print

I dream of a day where I have a kitchen large enough to warrant hanging a $1,400 chandelier. Until then, I'll stare longingly at Crate's website. I'm really feeling the black and white contrast for kitchens. It's very clean. Also, I have an aversion to buying prints and not originals, but isn't that thing gorgeous? And you guys, that coffee maker is "connected", i.e., you can turn it on via an app from the comfort of your warm bed. Like I always say, I'm into it if it means I don't have to put pants on. Check out the rest of their new products and try not to fill your cart with all of these goodies. Someone please let me decorate your house with your money! Happy Friday lovelies!

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