
The Perfect Present

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

We've all been there. It's somebody's birthday, anniversary, retirement, etc. and you are drawing a big white blank on what to get them. And then you wait until the last minute, panic, and buy them a huge container of various flavored popcorn. I'm not saying I won't eat the popcorn, but c'mon!

I'm pretty picky when it comes to food, boys, life, etc. giving gifts. I don't like buying gift cards or something random that the receiver might like. I want it to be personal and I get a real good kick out of making someone cry. Mom at Christmas? Get her every time.

I can't be the only one here. There's nothing worse than giving the gift of an emotionless scarf. Dig deep people! Find out what makes them tick! What do they love? What inside jokes do you share? What's their favorite color? If you can't think of anything, you shouldn't be giving a gift in the first place. Save your money. Or give it to me. I'm always taking donations.

So (I can't believe I'm saying this) in light of the holidays coming up *cringe*, I thought I'd do a blog post on what I got my friend/boss for her birthday. She's Irish. So that was easy. Alcohol, obviously. And green. At a work lunch recently, I remembered that she had been talking about Moscow Mules. It was almost too easy.

So I made a cute little Moscow Mule gift basket. I purchased the mugs and basket from C&B/CB2, and used some tissue/wrapping paper to elevate some of the items for display. Then I purchased some cute mini vodka bottles and limes to add more green into the basket.


It's a practical gift because she can reuse the mugs and keep the basket for her own storage and it's still fun because who doesn't like alcohol?

What are your gift go-tos? Anyone have that popcorn still sitting in the deep, dark, depths of their kitchen cupboard from 4 years ago?

P.S. my favorite blogger (Little Baby Garvin) posts Friday Favorites and I decided to follow suit. Every Friday I'll post some of my favorite things, whether it's clothes, recipes, furniture, boys, etc. Looking forward to finally having something to show for the hours I spend shopping online!

P.P.S. thank you to everyone who has shown me blog love! Your kind words mean the world to me and without them I probably would have stopped writing! Love you all!

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