
Summer Forever!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

I refuse to believe that this summer is coming to a close and I don't even have a tan to show for it. I don't know what the hell happened, or what I've been doing - but I feel like I got duped. Summer seemed to last forever when I was little. Now I feel like I never even had a break. That's because I didn't. Having responsibilities sucks. I'd much rather spend all day running around the neighborhood barefoot living off of nothing but popsicles. Who knew we had it so good back then?

Instead of embracing the inevitable change of seasons, I sat outside in the frigid 78 degree weather and ate a frozen Greek yogurt bowl. Here's my coping mechanism for some stuff everything: DENY DENY DENY! Works some of the time. 

On the topic of things I'm pretending aren't happening: school started this week for me. I was living in a fool's paradise there for a while. Apparently they've really churched up online classes so that they're on the same par as your typical "holy f*** I have an 8am lecture and I'm still drunk" class. I thought this was going to be a breeze. When I looked up all four of my class syllabuses (syllabi? no), I immediately sat in a corner and started rocking myself back and forth. This is gonna be a doozy.

All of you fools breaking out your fall decor can shove your pumpkin spice lattes where the sun don't shine! I'm a summer girl and you'll never win me over!

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