
Not a Friday Favorite

Friday, January 15, 2016

I 100% don't feel like writing a Friday Favorites post today. I had the graphic all set up to go but I just wasn't feeling it. First off, it's a long weekend so basically the only thing on my mind right now is getting as far away from my place of employment as possible, having wine for dinner and sleeping in until noon. Also, my Friday Favorites posts are notoriously my least viewed posts. I'm telling myself it's because people have better things to do on a Friday and not because of the content. Just roll with it. 

So here's a Friday post that has nothing to do with my favorite anythings.

I've learned a lot about myself in the last year. And I'm not just saying that to say that. I've had a lot happen in my life the last 365 days. I'm not going to lie, it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. I had to deal with some things I never thought I'd have to deal with. And some of those things I'm still dealing with. But I also had a lot of pretty great things happen to me too. 

Anyways, the number one thing I've learned about myself this past year is that I get bored easily. Which I guess could be a bad thing but it's also pretty awesome. I love to learn new things. I really could go to school the rest of my life if it meant I could study whatever interested me. And I have a lot of interests. Art. History. Yoga. Travel. Literature. I could go on and on and on and never be satisfied. And I don't have the passport stamps to prove it, but I'd love to just get on a plane and go live somewhere different for a year. I want to feel, see and taste different things. Live the way other people do for a change

A lot of my friends are married with kids right now. And as much as I hate to admit it, it sometimes bothers me that I'm not at that point in my life yet. More often than not though, I'm so glad I'm not there. I'm much too selfish to give up my own freedom right now. And I'm 100% okay with that. There is way too much to do and way too much to see. I'm not ready to sacrifice that.

So there you go. A Friday post that has nothing to do with favorites. It really has nothing to do with anything. I just wanted to share what has been on my mind these last few days. Also, I apologize that this post was a bit more sappy and a lot less vulgar than usual. 

Happy Friday, loves. Spend your long weekend wisely!

Thoughts I Have While Running

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

I've been having fun with these "stream of consciousness" posts I've been doing lately. I thought I'd do one on running because I know I can't be the only one here! Currently on week 3 of my half marathon training plan...

Okay. It's only 6 miles. Sixty minutes. That's like only 17 songs on Bieber's new album. I can run for 17 songs. I wonder what I look like running. This wedgie is seriously cutting off the circulation to my left ass cheek. Oh my god I need that puppy in my life. How has it only been .5 miles? Ohhh, love this song. Seriously, I wonder if I look like Phoebe running. Slow song. Skip. Tourists, I will run into you if you don't share the effing sidewalk. LEFT! How do people talk and run? I can barely think and run. PUPPY! If I slow down maybe I can hit that red light and catch my breath. Oh, he's cute. Heyyyy. Why are my calves on fire? Why are my quads on fire? Shin splints. Forgot about those. What a bitch. I could really go for a Mickey D's fry right about now. What should I make for dinner? I hate running. Hate. Hate. Hate. Oh goody, only 5 more miles to go.

I know you feel me. You know those people that say, "once you do it, you'll feel better." I want to punch those people between the eyes. I never feel good after! And on that note, good luck with your work outs today! 

Friday Favorites

Friday, January 8, 2016

So in case you didn't pick it up from my 2015: Year in Review post, I quit my job at Crate & Barrel. I basically have been burning the candle at both ends between the two jobs and school plus other responsibilities. Honestly, I think that's why I've been getting sick so much. Too much stress. I have plans to go back eventually because I love my C&B discount - which saved me $$$ six hundy $$$ on my sofa (it gets delivered next month! EEK!). So this week's Friday Favorites post is basically an ode to Crate. They just came out with a TON of new products for the new year and I have so many favorites that I wish I could turn this post into a series - one for every room of the house. Most of my favorites are for the kitchen which sucks because I don't need any of this. But maybe you do! Enjoy!

1. French Kitchen Bakers Rack // 2. Behmor Connected 8 Cup Coffee Maker // 3. Lure Patina Bronze Chandelier // 4. Kitchen Conversion Cutting Board // 5. Coffee and Tea Canister // 6. Woven David Diskin Print

I dream of a day where I have a kitchen large enough to warrant hanging a $1,400 chandelier. Until then, I'll stare longingly at Crate's website. I'm really feeling the black and white contrast for kitchens. It's very clean. Also, I have an aversion to buying prints and not originals, but isn't that thing gorgeous? And you guys, that coffee maker is "connected", i.e., you can turn it on via an app from the comfort of your warm bed. Like I always say, I'm into it if it means I don't have to put pants on. Check out the rest of their new products and try not to fill your cart with all of these goodies. Someone please let me decorate your house with your money! Happy Friday lovelies!

Thoughts on Possibly Dying

Monday, January 4, 2016

Wake up in the middle of the night and wonder what you could have done to deserve your throat feeling like the gates of Mordor.

Embrace the risk of choking on a cough drop while you sleep because sweet relief is on the other side of that wrapped paper.

Forget how many times you self-medicated with Robitussin PM in the middle of the night because you're delirious from all of the Robitussin PM you self-medicated with.

Sweet Jesus, where is all this shit coming from?!?!

Upon waking up from a restless night's slumber, guzzle the entire half gallon of organic orange juice in your fridge in hopes that Vitamin C is your cure.

Wonder why your neighbors aren't concerned about the coughing and gagging noises coming from your apartment.

Become so desperate for compassion that you are willing to accept it from your cat who is sometimes an asshole. Except he doesn't want anything to do with me.

Wonder how many episodes of 48 Hours is acceptable to watch during the day. Also wonder if it is acceptable to not put pants on. 

Make soup with whatever is in your fridge that isn't expired. In my case, green beans, corn, cabbage, carrots, potatoes and peas.

Somebody please tell me why my immune system is the absolute worst. I will take all of the advice I can get right now. I hope your first Monday of 2016 was better than mine!

2015: Year in Review

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Left one job. Got a new job. Got a second job. Celebrated my 26th birthday. Contemplated moving to Florida. Contemplated moving to California. Contemplated moving anywhere warmer than here. Went on vacation to Florida, South Carolina and Michigan. Contemplated moving to Michigan. Celebrated my niece's 1st birthday. Enrolled in school. Paid for school. Ouch. Got a 3.75 GPA. Holla! Broke up with my boyfriend. Made up with my best friend. Found out my best friend is pregnant. Found out my best friend is engaged. Went on a lot of dates. Started a blog. Got a little closer to finishing my novel. Became a fan of Manhattans. Rode a segway for the first time. Decided to keep my hair natural. Bought a really expensive computer. Bought an even more expensive sofa. Cried a lot by myself. Laughed way more by myself. Started two workout programs. Finished none. Signed up for a half marathon (yesterday). Quit my second job. Contemplated getting a degree in computer science. Stopped contemplating it when I realized I needed to pass a calculus class. Contemplated getting an MFA. Got the stomach flu for the first time. Gained a bunch of good friends. Ditched a bunch of shitty ones.
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