
Thoughts on Possibly Dying

Monday, January 4, 2016

Wake up in the middle of the night and wonder what you could have done to deserve your throat feeling like the gates of Mordor.

Embrace the risk of choking on a cough drop while you sleep because sweet relief is on the other side of that wrapped paper.

Forget how many times you self-medicated with Robitussin PM in the middle of the night because you're delirious from all of the Robitussin PM you self-medicated with.

Sweet Jesus, where is all this shit coming from?!?!

Upon waking up from a restless night's slumber, guzzle the entire half gallon of organic orange juice in your fridge in hopes that Vitamin C is your cure.

Wonder why your neighbors aren't concerned about the coughing and gagging noises coming from your apartment.

Become so desperate for compassion that you are willing to accept it from your cat who is sometimes an asshole. Except he doesn't want anything to do with me.

Wonder how many episodes of 48 Hours is acceptable to watch during the day. Also wonder if it is acceptable to not put pants on. 

Make soup with whatever is in your fridge that isn't expired. In my case, green beans, corn, cabbage, carrots, potatoes and peas.

Somebody please tell me why my immune system is the absolute worst. I will take all of the advice I can get right now. I hope your first Monday of 2016 was better than mine!

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