
2015: Year in Review

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Left one job. Got a new job. Got a second job. Celebrated my 26th birthday. Contemplated moving to Florida. Contemplated moving to California. Contemplated moving anywhere warmer than here. Went on vacation to Florida, South Carolina and Michigan. Contemplated moving to Michigan. Celebrated my niece's 1st birthday. Enrolled in school. Paid for school. Ouch. Got a 3.75 GPA. Holla! Broke up with my boyfriend. Made up with my best friend. Found out my best friend is pregnant. Found out my best friend is engaged. Went on a lot of dates. Started a blog. Got a little closer to finishing my novel. Became a fan of Manhattans. Rode a segway for the first time. Decided to keep my hair natural. Bought a really expensive computer. Bought an even more expensive sofa. Cried a lot by myself. Laughed way more by myself. Started two workout programs. Finished none. Signed up for a half marathon (yesterday). Quit my second job. Contemplated getting a degree in computer science. Stopped contemplating it when I realized I needed to pass a calculus class. Contemplated getting an MFA. Got the stomach flu for the first time. Gained a bunch of good friends. Ditched a bunch of shitty ones.


  1. Novel? More info, please! I just got caught up on your posts, because I thought you abandoned your blog awhile back in what was evidently just an extended absence :) Sounds like an eventful year!

    1. It was an eventful year. Glad it's over! So ready for what 2016 has to bring. Hope you had a great holiday! <3


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