
Blizzard 2016

Monday, January 25, 2016

You guys. It's day four of being stuck inside my apartment due to this blizzard. I've run out of Prosecco. I ate an entire pan of brownies. I feel like I can finally relate to Tom Hanks now (Wilsssooonnnn!). I've started talking to my cat. Like I've actually started to ask him questions. I've watched all four seasons of New Girl on Netflix (omg, Schmidt and CeCe!). I've lost the will to live. I think I'm actually looking forward to going into work tomorrow. What is happeninggggg?!

Anyways, if you're still stuck inside, I recommend the following based off of my own experiences:
  • Watch the entire Harry Potter series from beginning to end (drink anytime someone says Harry's full name)
  • Organize closets and drawers (drink anytime you throw something away)
  • Bumble and Tinder (drink anytime you match with someone)
  • Watch people get stuck in the snow outside (drink anytime it's with a 4 wheel drive vehicle)
  • Workout (rehydrate with alcohol)
  • Catch up on laundry (drink every time you find a sock's mate)
As you can see, I've basically been drunk since 10am on Friday. I actually did venture outside once to go to a yoga class and found myself up to my thighs in snow trying to cross the road. I'm not leaving again until it's absolutely necessary (aka I run out of whiskey or my office opens back up). 

I have some fun things to tell you guys about in the next couple of weeks so make sure you check back soon! Stay warm friends!

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