
Getting What You Deserve

Monday, November 4, 2019

One thing (probably the only thing) that's been consistent on my blog is honesty. I've always been transparent about how messy my life is and have avoided sugarcoating it. I think it's important to remember that the internet is full of filters and edits and everyone is hiding the ugly. I won't be sharing the following on social media because it doesn't seem appropriate but this is in many ways my online journal, so my thoughts live here. 

This is 30

Friday, July 19, 2019

I literally tried to write this post like seventeen times and kept pressing delete because it made me want to vom. I was trying too hard to not get emotional and it just made me sound like I was bragging about my birthday. Which, don't get me wrong, was definitely braggable but that's not why I'm here. Anyways. Unless you've muted me on all social media platforms, you may have noticed I recently turned 30. I had a difficult time with the milestone so posting about it incessantly on Instagram is how I coped - like the millennial I am. Big moments scare me. They make me feel like I'm not in control. Kind of like a roller coaster ride where you can see the huge drop coming up ahead but there's nothing you can do because you're strapped in. Life is about to change and you can't stop it. 

The After

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

*This is the original piece I submitted to Elite Daily which was then edited to fit their audience and published as "Going To Group Therapy After My Rape Helped Me Rebuild My Life."

The After. That's where the pain is. Everyone thinks it's in The During. But that's the easy part. In The During, you're in so much disbelief that you don't even get a chance to think about the pain. But in The After you have a lot of time. You have the rest of your life.

The Hard Stuff

Friday, March 1, 2019

I tend to write a lot about hard stuff. Some people find that depressing. But the simple truth is life is hard and it's even harder when people post their filtered lives on social media, airbrushing away all the very real pain that is surely there. I want to be honest here.

I live in New York City, a place many only dream of living and a place most can't. I have my own apartment and an amazing job. I'm in a healthy relationship. I have friends and family that would do anything for me. It would be very easy to only show you these parts of my life - the parts that aren't messy. But that's not reality.

2018: Year in Review

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

In 2015 and 2016, I wrote short and sweet recaps on the previous 365 days and in 2017 I turned it into a narrative. This past year's recap is going back to the crowd pleasing stream of consciousness. Here we go, fam.

Rang in 2018 in Brooklyn. BROOKLYN. Started group therapy. Thought I might not make it. Stopped writing for a bit. Interviewed for a photo essay which was featured in the New York Times. DAMN. Spoke about my assault in front of students at an event. Started a new job. YAY. Tried to prosecute my rapist. Went to Denver. Went to London. Went to DelawareWent to Nashville. Went to Nantucket (which has resulted in subsequent trips to Newport Beach). Went to Raleigh. Went home to Northern Virginia and Myrtle Beach a few times. Ugly cried when I said bye to my roommates. Moved to the west side of Manhattan. Purged some stuff including people. Stood up beside two of my best friends as they sealed the deal.

2018, you kinda did me dirty for most of the year. But I learned a lot from you and I'm ready to see what your girl 2019 has to throw at me.

Here are 2018's most read posts. I'm only listing two because I was basically a vegetable this year and thus, didn't do much writing.

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