
2016: Year in Review

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Ran my second half marathon. Injured. Again. Surprised my best friend after a 4 year drought. Scrapped a writing project. Questioned my writing ability. Started a new project. Celebrated my 27th birthday. Panicked that I'm almost 30. Went to Florida. Went to Michigan. Went to New York. Went to South Carolina. Finished school. Swore to never ever go back to school ever again. Ever. Contemplated a move to NYC. Wrote this. Went blonde. Again. Quit my job. Packed up my entire life. Moved to NYC (!!!!). Started a new job. Questioned my sanity. Welcomed my nephew into the world. Went on some shitty dates. Then had some pretty great ones. Saw Mat Kearney live. Saw NeedtoBreathe live. Met Robby Hayes. Fangirled. Stayed out too late. Woke up too early. Stopped saying no when I should say yes.

So 2016 wasn't all bad. 

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