
Nerd Alert

Monday, August 3, 2015

I've been toying with the idea of going back to school for about a year and a half now. For those of you who don't know, I have a B.S. in Creative Writing. I realized early on second semester of my senior year that job options were limited. I'm a writer (hence the blog) so I always knew that that's what I wanted to do. But nobody really told me that my chances of getting on the NYT Best Seller list and turning this into a profession are about as good as me actually finishing a novel (spoiler alert: I have yet to finish a novel). I kind of blame my parents and a slew of teachers (Mrs. Snode, Mr. Gragg, Mrs. Palace) for stroking my ego all those years and telling me how great of a writer I am (*brushes hair off shoulder*).

This is how I found myself in the legal business development/marketing profession - out of sheer randomness. I actually love what I do. It can be really fast-paced and our clients are always interesting. But three years later, I'm getting kind of bored. Fear not employer, I'm not leaving you. I'm just trying to make myself more useful. So I'm going, going, back, back to Cali, Cali school, school.

I made 'dis. Just kidding, it's a filter.

I'm really intrigued by graphic design and web development. And I think I'll be good at it. I guess we'll find out though because I just enrolled myself in a program and wrote a big fat check. Alright, I charged my credit card (mom, if you're reading this...don't).

I'm mostly terrified. In addition to going to school full time (alright, it's 12 online credits, but still - it counts) I have a full time job, a part time job (thanks for the employee discount C&B!), and I'm also trying to get a business running (shameless self advertisement) while blogging about all of it here. What little social life I had is probably going out the window. Wish me luck.

What have you been dreaming about? Any other nerds out there who want to go back to school? And if you are juggling it all, do you have any tips for me?

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