
2018: Year in Review

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

In 2015 and 2016, I wrote short and sweet recaps on the previous 365 days and in 2017 I turned it into a narrative. This past year's recap is going back to the crowd pleasing stream of consciousness. Here we go, fam.

Rang in 2018 in Brooklyn. BROOKLYN. Started group therapy. Thought I might not make it. Stopped writing for a bit. Interviewed for a photo essay which was featured in the New York Times. DAMN. Spoke about my assault in front of students at an event. Started a new job. YAY. Tried to prosecute my rapist. Went to Denver. Went to London. Went to DelawareWent to Nashville. Went to Nantucket (which has resulted in subsequent trips to Newport Beach). Went to Raleigh. Went home to Northern Virginia and Myrtle Beach a few times. Ugly cried when I said bye to my roommates. Moved to the west side of Manhattan. Purged some stuff including people. Stood up beside two of my best friends as they sealed the deal.

2018, you kinda did me dirty for most of the year. But I learned a lot from you and I'm ready to see what your girl 2019 has to throw at me.

Here are 2018's most read posts. I'm only listing two because I was basically a vegetable this year and thus, didn't do much writing.

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