
The One with the Chalk Paint

Monday, December 14, 2015

Can you guys tell I've been binging on Friends for the last 6 weeks? I. Can't. Stop. I'm basically dating my Netflix account. Yes, Yes, I finally broke down when the person who did not know I had their Netflix credentials refused to pay their bill on time. Alright, so there's a big fat elephant in the room. I haven't posted in quite some time. I was/am dealing with some personal issues that took a lot of energy out of me but I think I've gotten my groove back! Moving right along...

If you guys remember my Bedroom Design Tour post from October, you probably know that my style is a little rustic. Someone actually called it country the other day and I think I died a little inside. I'd say it's a fusion of industrial and rustic. Anyways.

So I have this leaning bookshelf I picked up from Craigslist this past summer for about $25. I'm really not into the whole leaning bookshelf thing - I'm not a fan of the lines and it's too modern for my look - but I didn't have enough money to purchase this beaut from CB2, so I made do. Which basically means every time I looked at it I got a little depressed.

So I tried out chalk paint for the first time. Okay, let me preface this with I have never painted a piece of furniture before. I've actually never really painted before, unless you count finger painting. So this was definitely an interesting experience. Alcohol was involved. So much alcohol. As well as a lot of cursing. And at one point I just stopped caring about getting paint on my walls and floor (sayonara, security deposit!).

It wasn't that bad. Chalk painting really is as easy as they say it is. Let me just emphasize a few things for you though. Dark pieces of furniture will definitely require more than one coat of paint. Also, different materials respond differently to the paint. My bookcase was as black as Donald Trump's soul, so I think I lost count of how many coats it took. My chair on the other hand, was a dark brown and yet it only took one coat. Riddle me that one. Also, when you've reached the point where you are getting ready to sand your piece of furniture and you're thinking to yourself, "how much dust could there possibly be?", slap yourself and then take your piece of furniture outside unless you also planned on whitewashing your wood floors.

So here is the end product. It's still not my favorite piece of furniture. I'm still not a fan of the whole idea of a leaning bookcase. But I like it a hell of a lot more than what it looked like before. I'd say it was a good test of my chalk painting skills and I'll be less terrified to try it again next time. 

Excuse the mess of wires! What do you guys think? Do you like it better than the original? Any chalk painting pros out there?

P.S. Man, it feels good to be back! I plan on posting on the regular again (crossing my fingers and toes) so make sure you check back soon! Thank you to those who reached out to me telling me how much they missed my blog posts. There aren't words to express how much it means. It sounds silly, but this blog is really an extension of me and my passion for words so anytime someone applauds it, it's just the best. ;) Love you all so very much!

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