
Friday Favorites

Friday, November 6, 2015

I have been told that I'm a picky eater. Which I wholeheartedly disagree with. I mean, I eat more than chicken nuggets and pizza alright! There are two main areas that I have a problem with:

1) meat 
2) white creamy condiments and the like

Let me get into the details here. I am not a vegetarian. I LOVE a good bacon cheeseburger. I just have an extremely difficult time preparing meat. So, as long as it's cooked for me and as long as the texture of the meat doesn't make me want to gag, I'll eat it. 

The condiments thing is where it really starts to get complicated. Ranch, sour cream, mayonnaise, yogurt (sometimes there is an exception) are totally off limits and I am seriously sick just thinking about it. Basically anything thick and creamy makes me want to vom (go ahead all of you perverts, laugh - I've heard it before). The smell of cold ketchup that has been sitting out (think county fairs, baseball games, etc.) is also disgusting. There are caveats here and there but this is pretty much it. 

Alright, so that's not that picky...right?  Anyways. I said alllllllll of that to say this: I have some awesome recipes for anyone who has found themselves in a similar boat. Specifically the meat one. Ever heard of Meatless Monday? I do it about 6 days a week. It's caused me to get a bit more creative when it comes to protein intake. So for this week's Friday Favorites, I'm sharing recipes that are typically on my weekly roster.

Arbor-what? Yeah. I had never heard of it either. Apparently it's the rice used to make risotto. Who knew? I seriously make this like once a week. This is a VERY simple recipe. In fact, I don't even use all of the ingredients it calls for because I don't like shallots and I don't waste my wine by cooking with it. 

Tomato & Mozzarella Salad
This is by far one of my fav salads. I just ate it for dinner every night last week. Trader Joe's make this salad prepackaged but it comes mixed with black olives and green onions (gag). So I started making it on my own. 

Your favorite greens (I use spring mix with spinach or kale)
Balsamic Vinaigrette
Grape, cherry, or heirloom tomatoes
Mozzarella (I just buy the sticks and open a package when I need it)
Raw Pignolias (pine nuts) 

I love Mexican food SO much. Seriously, give me a burrito and a margarita and I will instantly perk up. Or just a margarita. Pitcher. I digress. So when I'm craving Mexican and don't have someone around to prepare the meat for me, I make this recipe. I don't usually make it with the corn because I don't need any extra starches in my diet but it's delicious either way. 

Coconut & Macadmia Crusted Mahi Mahi
Alright, so you thought you could go meatless but you can't. Try this mahi mahi recipe. Fish is like the only "meat" (I'm staying out of the "fish is a meat" argument) I can cook that doesn't make me want to lose my lunch. This recipe calls for quite a few ingredients that I don't typically have sitting around but I promise you it's totally worth it to go pick them up. This recipe is in Tone it Up's 8 Week Bikini Program. Yeah, remember when I did that? Ugh. The memory is painful. Anyways, make this when it's 20 degrees outside and you are trying to remember why you thought you were ready for summer to be over. It'll take you back to a better place.

1 cup of roasted & crushed macadamia nuts
2 tbs of coconut flour 
2 Tbs of coconut shavings, 
2 Tbs of coconut oil - melted
2 Tbs of olive oil
4 (6 oz) of fresh mahi mahi fillets
2 tbs coconut milk
salt & pepper
1 Tbs parsley

1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
2. In a medium bowl, stir together the crushed macadamia nuts, parsley, coconut flour, shavings and coconut oil. 
3. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil and brush it with olive oil. Place the fish on top and season it with salt & pepper on both sides. 
4. Bake it for about 5 minutes. Take it out of the oven and brush it with coconut milk, then dip each fillet into the nut & flour mixture, pressing it down to ensure it adheres. 
5. Return fish to the oven and bake 5-10 minutes or until golden brown.

Happy Friday everyone! You should definitely try one of these recipes this weekend and let me know how you liked it!

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