
I Woke up in a Trash Can

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Yesterday morning was a typical Monday morning. I woke up, took a shower, and shoved half a pb&j sammy down my throat as I walked out the door. Just like any other day, the metro is experiencing delays so by the time I'm able to get on a train, we're all packed in like sardines. Thankfully, those surrounding me had remembered to wear deodorant.

Side rant: I'm 5'2"/5'3" ish. The metro is not designed for people of my height. If all of the seats are taken (which they always are) then I'm left with few options. Typically, I hang onto the pole overhead that is just barely out of reach and completely useless for stabilizing me as I'm just swinging about for the 12 minute commute. In addition, I'm almost always standing next to some asshole who thinks it's a good idea to read the newspaper which pokes me in the eye for the entire trip. I digress...

So by the time I get to work, I'm already queasy and sweaty. But this is typical for a DC summertime commute. Really. By 10:30, it feels like there is an ocean inside of my stomach and I can't stop burping. Super ladylike. All of the sudden I'm freezing cold and then five minutes later I want to rip all of my clothes off and lie naked on the floor. Remembering that my niece was just recently sick, I decide to give my sister a call to see how she's feeling.

Sure as shit, she's home sick and not five minutes after I hung up with her, I threw up twice, passed out and woke up in a trash can. Apparently, I tried to aim for the recycle bin while sitting in my chair and at some point during my pukefest, I passed out and landed with my head literally in the trash can. I woke up on the floor and all I could see was black. "WHERE THE EFF AM I?!" It actually took me a couple seconds to figure out what happened and why it was so dark. My coworkers (bless their souls) escorted me to the ladies room and I eventually caught a cab (who didn't mind my recycle bin buddy riding along) home.

obviously went with a filter to make myself look slightly less awful

I spent all day in bed moaning and groaning and not eating a thing. You guys, I didn't even feel up to watching The Bachelorette finale, that's how bad it was. This is the first time I've ever had the stomach flu and oh em gee I hope it was the last. 

It's officially been just over 24 hours and all I've had is a coffee frappuccino from Starbucks. Weighed myself this morning and I'm down to 133 lbs. Hell yeah! Silver lining!

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